Here are a few things that current, past, and future clients should know about interacting with my social media accounts:

  • I use social media as a marketing and educational tool - the content you find on my social media channels does not constitute therapeutic advice or a relationship with a mental health professional.

  • your confidentiality may be impacted by commenting on, liking, or sharing my posts.You may be identified as my client if you interact with my social media pages.

  • I don’t follow my clients online. This is to maintain a professional boundary as client and therapist. It’s also to make sure you don’t feel like I am watching your online presence - that space is for you to express yourself freely! If we are connected on social media and decide to pursue a clinical relationship, I will unfollow or mute your account.

  • I don’t communicate with clients over social media. If I receive a message from you on social media I will reply via email or Signal.

  • If you would like me to see something on your social media profile you’re welcome to share it during a session.

  • I show up on social media as a professional, but also as a human! You may learn things about me online that wouldn’t naturally come up during a therapy session. Sometimes that happens! Let’s chat during our next session about how it’s influencing our relationship.

  • I don’t offer crisis support through social media. If you feel unsafe and would like support, please reach out to a crisis line.


    Where to find suicide and mental health resources: Support in Canada. Support in the USA. International support.